No really! The beach is Bone Chillin cold today.
3 blankets kind of cold.
Fireplace on full blast... cold!
Hot Tea instead of Diet Pepsi... cold!
Blue Fence painters bundled up... cold!
Uggs instead of sandals ...cold!
I think I'll read me a love story by the fireplace ...kind of cold!

As much as I LOVE the sun and am dying to go visit the beach and have summer here all ready, you make being cold sound kind of relaxing and comforting! Enjoy your book! :)
Burr hope it warms up for you soon! and your tea cup is adorable!!
I LOVE your blog. Have I told you that? Keep it up momma. I am so JEALOUS that you live by the beach. It's my dream you know :) :)
It is cold! And tomorrow is supposed to be colder :( Love your blog! Now I know where Little Miss Momma gets all of her talent!
how do you like the Pioneer Woman book? its on my list to read next.
I had to walk my dogs with an umbrella kind of cold -and- rainy!
I WOULD feel sad for you but we still have SNOW! So your life by the beach is looking pretty great right about now ;) (family blog)
Thanks for buzzing by Sunny Bug! Following you back and I can't wait to browse through all of your beautiful beach pics. Sorry the beach is cold...however the ice just melted in Michigan **wink**
okay so how cold is bone chillin' cold? it better be good girl i live in MI remember!
Lovely photos my friend.
Don't you love your Keurig? I LOVE MINE! Btw, love the coffee cup :)
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